


Title: The English Expression for "Eminent Scholar"

In the English language, the term that closely translates to "博学的" (bóxué de) is "eminent scholar." This phrase is often used to describe someone who has achieved a high level of expertise and knowledge in their field of study or expertise. An eminent scholar is not just wellread; they are recognized for their profound understanding and often contribute significantly to the advancement of their respective disciplines.

For example, when referring to a renowned historian, we might say, "She is an eminent scholar in the field of medieval history, with numerous groundbreaking publications to her name."


1. 博学的英文是什么?

2. 如何用英文表达“博学”?

3. “Eminent scholar”这个短语的意思是什么?

4. 何时可以使用“eminent scholar”这个表达?

5. 与“eminent scholar”相似的英文表达有哪些?

6. 博学的学者通常具备哪些特点?

7. 如何评价一个人的博学?

8. “Eminent scholar”是否可以用于所有学科?

9. 博学是否等同于学术成就?

10. 如何在英文中赞美一个博学的学者?


1. 博学的英文是 "eminent scholar."

2. 用英文表达“博学”可以使用 "eminent scholar" 或 "scholarly."

3. “Eminent scholar”这个短语的意思是某人在某个学术领域内享有盛誉,拥有深厚的学术造诣和专业知识。

4. 任何提到某人在学术或专业领域内有显著成就的情况下都可以使用“eminent scholar”。

5. 与“eminent scholar”相似的英文表达有 "distinguished scholar," "renowned scholar," 和 "esteemed scholar."

6. 博学的学者通常具备广泛的知识储备、深厚的学术功底、丰富的学术经验和独特的学术见解。

7. 评价一个人的博学可以通过他们出版的学术作品、参与的研究项目、获得的学术奖项和社会认可等方面来进行。

8. “Eminent scholar”可以用于任何学科,只要该学科有公认的学术地位和成就。

9. 博学通常与学术成就相关联,但并不完全等同。博学强调的是知识和理解的广度和深度,而学术成就则可能更侧重于实际成果和贡献。

10. 在英文中赞美一个博学的学者可以说:"He is a truly eminent scholar, whose work has had a profound impact on our understanding of [field]. His contributions to the field are both vast and groundbreaking."

