


以下是一篇雅思写作Task 2的范文,你可以将其作为参考:

雅思写作范文:Task 2


Some people think that only students with good grades should be given scholarships. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In today's society, scholarships are often seen as a means to recognize and reward exceptional students. However, there is a debate regarding whether only students with good grades should be eligible for scholarships. In my opinion, while academic achievements are important, other factors such as leadership skills, community service, and personal circumstances should also be considered.

Firstly, it is undeniable that academic excellence is a crucial factor in determining a student's potential. High grades indicate a strong work ethic, dedication, and intellectual capacity. Therefore, students with excellent academic records are more likely to excel in their future careers and contribute positively to society. By awarding scholarships based on grades, educational institutions can encourage students to strive for academic success.

Secondly, however, it is important to recognize that not all students are equally capable of excelling academically. Factors such as socioeconomic background, access to resources, and personal circumstances can significantly impact a student's academic performance. In such cases, solely focusing on grades may be unfair. Scholarships that consider other qualities, such as leadership or community service, can provide opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds to shine and be recognized for their nonacademic achievements.

Moreover, leadership skills and community service are valuable traits that can benefit society in numerous ways. Students who demonstrate leadership qualities can inspire others, contribute to their communities, and become future leaders. Similarly, those who engage in community service develop empathy, social responsibility, and a sense of belonging. These qualities are equally important in building a harmonious and prosperous society.

Lastly, it is crucial to consider the personal circumstances of students. Some students may face challenges such as health issues, family responsibilities, or financial difficulties, which can hinder their academic performance. Providing scholarships based solely on grades may leave these students behind. By considering a range of factors, educational institutions can ensure that scholarships are awarded to students who are most in need and have demonstrated exceptional qualities in various aspects of their lives.

In conclusion, while academic achievements are important, I believe that scholarships should not be limited to students with good grades. Considering other factors such as leadership, community service, and personal circumstances will provide a more comprehensive and fair evaluation of a student's potential and ensure that scholarships are awarded to those who are most deserving.


1. 雅思写作范文100篇包含哪些类型的范文?

解答: 雅思写作范文100篇通常包含各种类型的Task 1和Task 2的范文,包括图表题、议论文、观点论证文等。

2. 如何使用这些范文来提高雅思写作水平?

解答: 通过分析范文的结构、论点、论证方法和词汇使用,学生可以学习如何组织文章、构建论点,并扩展词汇量。

3. 范文中的语法错误是否需要纠正?

解答: 是的,范文中的语法错误需要被指出并纠正,以便学生能够学习正确的语法结构和避免在考试中犯错。

4. 范文是否需要原创?

解答: 范文可以是原创的,也可以是改编的。重要的是确保范文能够准确反映雅思写作的要求和评分标准。

5. 如何选择适合自己水平的范文?

解答: 选择范文时,应该考虑自己的写作水平和需要提高的方面。对于初学者,可以选择基础型的范文;对于有一定基础的学生,可以选择更具挑战性的范文。

6. 范文中的论点是否需要与个人观点一致?

解答: 不一定。范文中的论点可以是作者的观点,也可以是假设性的观点,目的是展示如何构建论点和论证。

7. 如何分析范文中的逻辑结构?

解答: 分析范文时,要注意引言、主体段落和结论的结构,以及段落之间的逻辑关系,如总分总结构、对比和举例等。

8. 范文中的词汇是否需要记忆?

解答: 是的,范文中的高级词汇和短语是提高词汇量的好资源,学生应该积极记忆并运用到自己的写作中。

9. 如何将范文中的好词好句应用到自己的作文中?

解答: 通过替换同义词、改变句子结构或结合自己的观点,可以将范文中的好词好句自然地融入到自己的作文中。

10. 如何确保范文的质量?

解答: 确保范文质量的方法包括:选择经验丰富的作者,使用标准的雅思写作评分标准进行审阅,以及确保范文内容的相关性和实用性。

