Example of English Patent Translation
This invention relates to a novel type of waterproofing material, which is particularly useful for construction applications. The material is composed of a blend of natural rubber and synthetic rubber, enhanced with a special additive that improves its flexibility and durability. The invention further discloses a method for producing the material and its application in waterproofing roofs and foundations.
1. A waterproofing material comprising:
A blend of natural rubber and synthetic rubber;
A special additive that enhances flexibility and durability;
2. The material of claim 1, wherein the special additive is a silicone compound.
3. A method for producing the waterproofing material of claim 1, comprising:
Mixing the natural rubber and synthetic rubber;
Adding the silicone compound to the mixture;
Heating and pressing the mixture to form a sheet;
4. The method of claim 3, wherein the sheet is then coated with a protective layer.
Detailed Description:
The present invention provides a new waterproofing material that offers improved flexibility and durability compared to existing materials. The material is suitable for a wide range of construction applications, including waterproofing roofs and foundations.
The waterproofing material is made by blending natural rubber and synthetic rubber, which provides a balanced combination of elasticity and tensile strength. The addition of a special silicone compound further enhances the flexibility and durability of the material, making it more resistant to cracking and aging.
The production method involves mixing the natural rubber and synthetic rubber in a suitable ratio, adding the silicone compound, and then heating and pressing the mixture to form a sheet. Optionally, a protective layer can be applied to the sheet to increase its resistance to UV radiation and environmental factors.
The produced material can be used in the construction industry for waterproofing roofs and foundations. It can also be used in other applications where a highperformance, flexible, and durable waterproofing material is required.
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