


Title: The English Word for "Reliance"

In the English language, the word that best captures the concept of "reliance" is "reliance" itself. This term is commonly used to describe the act of depending on someone or something for support, assistance, or confidence. Whether it's in personal relationships, professional settings, or daily life, reliance is a fundamental aspect of human interaction.

For instance, when you say, "I am relying on my friends for emotional support," you are expressing that you are depending on them to provide comfort and encouragement. Similarly, in a business context, "reliance" might be expressed as, "Our company relies on its suppliers for the timely delivery of materials."

The word "reliance" can also be used to describe a state of confidence or trust, as in "I have complete reliance on my team's abilities to succeed."


1. 依靠的英文是什么?

2. 依靠的意思是什么?

3. 依靠与依赖有什么区别?

4. 如何用英文表达对某人的依靠?

5. 依靠在商务英语中如何使用?

6. 依靠在口语中怎么表达?

7. 依靠与信任有什么关系?

8. 依靠在文学作品中的例子有哪些?

9. 依靠在心理学中扮演什么角色?

10. 依靠在人际关系中有多重要?


1. 依靠的英文是 "reliance".

2. 依靠的意思是依赖或信任某人或某物以获得支持或帮助。

3. 依靠通常指的是对某人或某物的依赖,而依赖可能更多指心理上的依赖,有时带有消极的意味。

4. 用英文表达对某人的依靠可以说 "I am reliant on someone," 或者 "I rely on someone."

5. 在商务英语中,依靠可能用来表示对供应商、合作伙伴或其他资源的依赖,例如 "The company relies on its suppliers for quality materials."

6. 在口语中,依靠可以说成 "I'm depending on you," 或者 "I'm relying on your help."

7. 依靠与信任紧密相关,因为依靠通常建立在信任的基础上。

8. 在文学作品中,依靠可能用来描绘角色之间的情感纽带或对某物的依赖,例如 "She found her reliance on him was a crutch in her life."

9. 在心理学中,依靠可以指个体对他人或外部资源的心理依赖,这可能是健康或病态的。

10. 依靠在人际关系中非常重要,因为它涉及到信任、支持和合作,这些都是建立和维护健康关系的关键因素。

