


Title: Turn 过去式

In the past, turning the corner of the street was a moment of excitement for young me. I remember it vividly—the vibrant colors of the autumn leaves swirling around my feet as I spun around, the wind catching my hair and the sun shining brightly. The world seemed to slow down for that one moment, and I felt as if I were in a different place, filled with endless possibilities.

Once, on a sunny afternoon, my friends and I decided to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. We found an old, abandoned carousel in the woods and began to turn the handles, making the wooden animals come to life. We laughed and danced, our hearts full of joy and our spirits high. That day, turning the carousel was not just a simple motion; it was a journey into a magical world that we created together.

There was also a time when turning the page of a book meant diving into a new adventure. Each turn brought a new chapter, a new world to explore, and a new set of characters to become friends with. I remember feeling a sense of anticipation with every turn, eager to see what would happen next.

In the past, turning was a part of life that brought both joy and learning. Whether it was turning the pages of a book, the handles of a carousel, or the corner of a street, each turn was a step into the unknown, a chance to grow and experience something new.


1. What is the past tense of the verb "turn"?

2. How do you form the past tense of "turn"?

3. Can "turn" be used as a past participle?

4. What is the difference between "turn" and "turned"?

5. Can "turn" be used as a gerund?

6. How is "turn" used in a sentence with "have"?

7. What is the past participle of "turn"?

8. Can "turn" be used as a reflexive verb?

9. How do you use "turn" in the continuous tense?

10. What are some common phrases that use "turn"?


1. What is the past tense of the verb "turn"?

The past tense of the verb "turn" is "turned."

2. How do you form the past tense of "turn"?

The past tense of regular verbs in English is typically formed by adding "ed" to the base form. For "turn," you add "ed," making it "turned."

3. Can "turn" be used as a past participle?

Yes, "turn" can be used as a past participle, and it is the same form as the past tense: "turned."

4. What is the difference between "turn" and "turned"?

"Turn" is the base form of the verb, used for the present tense. "Turned" is the past tense and past participle, used for past actions or states.

5. Can "turn" be used as a gerund?

Yes, "turn" can be used as a gerund, which is a verb form that functions as a noun. The gerund form of "turn" is "turning."

6. How is "turn" used in a sentence with "have"?

"Turn" can be used in sentences with "have" to indicate possession or completion. For example: "I have turned the page," meaning you have physically turned a page.

7. What is the past participle of "turn"?

The past participle of "turn" is "turned."

8. Can "turn" be used as a reflexive verb?

Yes, "turn" can be used as a reflexive verb, meaning the action is reflected back on the subject. For example: "He turned himself around."

9. How do you use "turn" in the continuous tense?

In the continuous tense, "turn" is used with "was/were" followed by "turning." For example: "She was turning the page."

10. What are some common phrases that use "turn"?

Some common phrases that use "turn" include: "turn the page," "turn the corner," "turn the key," "turn the tide," "turn to," and "turn around."

